
emitSMS plugin update

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The emitSMS plugin has been updated with a small new feature – it will now strip out dashes and spaces from your phone numbers in Address Book before sending them to the phone, as most phones don’t seem to accept numbers in this format. Grab the new version here.

emitSMS plugin bug fix

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Here’s a new version of the Address Book plugin for SMS sending, with a small bug fix intended to stop it hanging after sending an SMS. If you’ve seen this problem with earlier versions, please let me know if this version has fixed it or not 🙂

emitSMS Address Book Plugin updated

published on

The emitSMS plugin for Address Book has been updated to use native Mac OS methods to access the phone over Bluetooth, rather than using an emulated serial port. This should make it less flaky when used under Snow Leopard. You can get the updated plugin here, and the new source code is here.